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Is Your Subconscious Mind Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? 

Take The Quiz. Discover What’s Holding You Back

Here’s The Summary and Order Button (if you are in a rush):

Well over 70 percent of Americans are overweight and searching for a solution. Finally, there is a true weight-loss breakthrough that’s easy, safe and has a significant success rate: John Farley’s Hypnotic Bypass Surgery.


Medical Gastric Bypass Surgery is a radical operation that changes the stomach and the intestines forever. It is drastic and sometimes fatal. Hypnotic Bypass Surgery offers better results without the risks or damage caused by physical surgery that is often a last resort. Hypnotic Bypass Surgery is a psychological-spiritual procedure that works to convince the subconscious mind to turn off false hunger signals that trigger emotional eating and food addiction. This causes the body to go for long periods of time without false hunger pangs and without eating, allowing the body to burn fat for fuel — making it easy to eat hearty, satisfying meals while losing weight. Hypnotic Bypass Surgery is the only weight loss system that uses powerful motivational techniques to insure positive, self-image and behavioral changes. Hypnotic Bypass Surgery is not only about eating less — it’s about turning the body into a healthy, fat burning “machine.”

Dr. Farley spent decades researching and proving his groundbreaking process while working with leading medical experts. He describes Hypnotic Bypass Surgery as “giving magical results, while rooted in science.” Decisions about food happen in the mind. Similar to a computer system, the hypnotic process re-writes the “code” in the mind so that emotional eating and food addiction ends. People stop eating for a period of time and when they do eat, they choose healthier foods and feel full longer. People also experience an “upgraded” self-image which makes them happier and more effective in the world. 

With Hypnotic Bypass Surgery there is no dangerous physical surgery, no off-limit foods or miserable dieting. Instead, Hypnotic Bypass Surgery makes people more “stress resistant” and able to make better food choices, enjoy food more and without feeling deprived. For a limited time, this program comes with a Free Bonus—Special Report: Power Up! — Never Sick, Never Tired — valued at $100. Power Up! details the exact nutrients, remedies and secret medical procedures that cure many illnesses — from colds to cancer — but the powerful pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know.

About the Creator

John Farley, MA, Psy.D., has endorsements from physicians and industry leaders including Fit-ness Legend Jack Lalanne. Dr. Farley has appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC, PBS and was introduced by ABC’s Mark S. Allen as one of the world’s most famous hypnotists. Hired by athletes and corporate executives since age 22 to improve performance and stress resilience, John Farley has degrees in physical education and applied sports psychology as well as doctoral level training in nutrition including advanced certificates from Columbia, Harvard Medical School’s MindBody Institute and The Optimal Performance Institute. He was the original host and executive producer of the pre-pilot for what became NBC’s The Biggest Loser reality television show.

Or Read The Rest of The Story…

You’re in the right place if you’re a smart, capable woman who has the majority of her life “together,” but —

….weight loss is the one area you still struggle with.

If so, then you are the type of person this program was designed for. 

 Dr. Kim Metcalfe, 20 lbs. lighter!


1. I eat when I feel angry, sad, anxious, bored, or lonely. True or False

2. I end up eating when others talk down to me, take advantage of me, belittle me or take me for granted.True or False

3. I crave food when I have tension in my close relationships.True or False

4. I tend to become very self-critical and call myself names.True or False

5. When something is missing, like trust or security, from my intimate relationship it triggers my hunger.True or False

6. Sometimes I feel that I am eating to make up for the deprivation I had as a child.True or False

7. I won’t let anyone tell me what to eat, when to eat or how much to eat.True or False

8. The idea of failing at some new challenge makes me want to eat.True or False

9. The attention I would get from losing weight would be uncomfortable.True or False

10. My weight is payback to someone for what they did that affected me.True or False

11. Food is fun for me. I might say, “the food makes the party.”True or False

12. I have not really imagined my life, day to day, as a slim, trim person.True or False

TRUE answers?

Any “True” answer means that you have a subconscious conflict blocking your permanent weight loss. 

Even risky bariatric surgery at twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) won’t change a mind that fights itself. 

Have you ever thought, “If I could just lose 10 pounds I’d be thrilled?” Many women say that and I know why. 

It is because weight loss failure hurts. Any weight loss is better than none. 

Lack of success leads to feeling “helpless and hopeless.” …which leads to giving less and less effort while praying for a miracle. 

It’s what I call “the weight loss lottery syndrome.” 

It’s buying a lottery ticket hoping to win the jackpot. It’s fun, but it’s not a plan or a guarantee of success. 

All the “quick fix” diet fads are examples of the “weight loss lottery” mindset. 

I get it — but for real success you need a powerful subconscious change. 

Scientic Studies Show:

“Will Power” alone fails for 99.9%.

99.9% is a real number based on scientific studies of thousands of people.

The Bad News: Studies show that on average roughly 1 in 1,000 very overweight folks are able to lose just 10 — 20 pounds and keep it off longterm.

Traditional weight loss methods fail countless people just like you.

The failure rate for other programs is astounding.

Diets, fitness trainers, group weight loss, medications and fancy tech apps — they fail, but the weight loss industry doesn’t want you to know it is their fault — not yours.

What if you could turn the odds from 99.9% failure to 99.9% success?


The solution for becoming Happy and Thin is understanding this symbol:

This symbol means infinity. Limitless.

Remember∞ ...equals “infinite” “limitless.” We’ll come back to that soon.

But first, to attain “Happy and Thin” requires flipping off your hunger switch.

During the Hypnotic Bypass Surgery process you will experience creating a “hunger switch” within your brain and body and then flipping it off for hours at a time.

When you flip the hunger switch “off” you are bypassing hunger.

Your body eventually goes into “fat burning mode.”

When you stop eating long enough the body switches from burning “sugar” to burning fat.

That means you are burning that stubborn body fat as fuel!

Realize this: appetite suppression is not enough for longterm weight loss.

Here’s the formula that works:

Subconscious Programming + God Power =  Energy

 Energy” and “Intention” = Happy & Thin

Can we agree that the power of God is infinite and limitless?

That’s what the infinity sign symbolizes: ∞ Infinite, Limitless Power!

That power needs to be focused properly.

God power activated by your subconscious mind makes your imaginative powers infinite — limitless!

With the proper hypnosis process you will emerge out of the addictive “food trance” and into a state of personal power.

Once out of the food trance you will achieve your ideal weight.

I became interested in “God Power” through the story of Fitness Icon, Jack Lalanne.

(Hear Jack Lalanne!)

The Amazing Story Of Jack Lalanne

At only 15 years old, Jack was 30 pounds underweight and addicted to sugar (way back in 1930!) —

He had so many behavioral problems that his parents took him out of school for six months.

One day, Jack’s mother learned about a famous nutritionist lecturing that evening.

She convinced Jack to go — but they arrived late and the auditorium was packed with hundreds of people.

It was standing room only and Jack and his mother turned around and started to leave.

The speaker, Dr. Paul Bragg, stopped and called out from the stage:

“Lady, with the boy! We don’t turn anyone away here — ushers bring two seats — put ‘em on stage!”

He put Jack and his mom on stage! Jack was so embarrassed....

Dr. Paul Bragg yelled out forcefully to the crowd —

“If you will obey nature’s laws you can be born again!”

Bragg was talking about having a new life and a healthy body — And Jack wanted that! He wanted to play sports — And girls to like him — he wanted to be born again with a new body. Wait! Pay close attention to this part.

It’s the piece of the weight loss puzzle everyone misses.

Dr. Paul Bragg was a nutritionist — but that night he effectively became a stage hypnotist and a powerful faith healer for Jack Lalanne.

Jack later recalled that Paul Bragg spoke so forcefully — with such power — that it impacted him deeply — that means at a subconscious level.

Jack Lalanne was in “Waking Hypnosis” — his eyes and mind open — ready to receive.

Jack’s subconscious accepted Dr. Bragg’s suggestions and then...

...Jack and his mother went home.

Jack Lalanne added the second ingredient for extra powerful change. He called on God.

He got on his knees and told God what he wanted.

He asked God to give him the intestinal fortitude to exercise when he didn’t want to — and the will power to stop eating the foods that were killing him.

Jack Lalanne combined ∞ energy + intention.

The next morning when Jack got up... — he never looked back. His focus and determination lasted the rest of his life — another 80 years!

Jack Lalanne went on to do many legendary feats of swimming and calisthenics — records to this day.

Jack was given his own fitness show on television — airing 34 years — inspiring MILLIONS!

Have you heard of the Jumping Jack? It’s named after Jack Lalanne.

I interviewed a strong and powerful 91 year old Jack Lalanne on my radio show.

Jack Lalanne’s decision to listen to a nutritionist… — a stage hypnotist — a faith healer — changed his life overnight.

Hypnosis — infused with ∞ Energy and Intention = results.

Here’s the process:

The Hypnotic Bypass Surgery 3 — Step Process

Step 1 — Access the Subconscious Mind

Step 2 — Replace Fear & Trauma with Freedom & Power

Step 3 — Build a Happy & Thin Self-Concept

 Energy and Intention = weight loss miracles.

Ready for YOUR Weight Loss Miracle?

  • It’s Easy. Listen to the hypnosis session. Release emotional blocks and melt body fat.

  • You Can Do It. Just follow along.

  • It Works. Millions of people just like you have used hypnosis.

  • Results to expect from the Hypnotic Bypass Surgery system:

  • Body fat will melt off overnight — every night — for as long as needed!

  • Your energy will increase substantially!

  • Your motivation to engage with life will increase greatly!

  • Your physical and mental health will improve significantly!

  • You’ll look and feel the best you have in years!

  • The Hypnotic Bypass Surgery program is regularly $299.

    Wait — Hold everything!

    Is it worth $299 to look and feel great?

    Think about it. Imagine once and forever changing your body and your self-concept.

    How will that improve your life in every area?

    This program is either priceless to you— as I believe it is — or not.

    Your results will make it worth every penny and more.

    You Deserve a Great Deal Because...

    With inflation, you deserve a price that’s easy.

    Imagine the benefits of The Hypnotic Bypass Surgery on your life:

  • One hypnosis session to re-program yourself to flip the hunger switch OFF...

  • You won’t be cut open, bleed or worse...

  • You won’t pay tens of thousands of dollars....

  • You will FEEL GREAT — NOT undergoing dangerous hospital surgery...

  • You will feel deeply relaxed — rejuvenated — better than you have in years...

  • You risk nothing.

  • We offer a full money back guarantee. Use the program for a full year...

    If you are not convinced that your investment of...

    $25,000 ...

    $299 ...

    ...only $47 — was a great decision...

    ...then I will refund your money (and you can keep the product and this bonus...)

    Your Free Bonus: — Special Report (Value $100)

    POWER UP! — Never Sick, Never Tired

    You’ll Learn What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know:

    The information contained in this short booklet took decades of study, research and very real- world, practical experience to synthesize in one place.

    The time and money invested for Power Up! involved $30,000+ and 20+ years of practice and research.

    You’ll learn the best ideas for fighting illnesses the pharmaceutical companies do not want you to know.

    POWER UP! — saves lives.

    You’ll Learn

  • If your vitamin D3 is not at THIS level, then you are susceptible to flu, pneumonia and other viruses. Change it with the strategies in POWER UP! (Hint: The medical charts doctors use for D3 are too low for optimal health).

  • Discover the super nutrient your body needs daily — it destroys virtually any toxin in the body (keeping you healthy) See pages 8 and 9 of POWER UP!.

  • The mineral OVER 80% of people are deficient in (needed to prevent osteoporosis and much more — see page 4 of POWER UP!)

  • The “natural medicine chest” you need at home to fight off infections

  • John Farley's Mind Power Event

  • The most popular supplement brands that you MUST stop taking because they can seriously damage your body — see page 3

  • Stress kills. Learn to reduce, manage and transform stress into positive energy using proven, scientific techniques — starts on page 28

  • Newly Added! How to find local, affordable, private medical clinics that will CURE: Covid 19, Monkey Pox, Ebola, Marburg virus, Lassa virus, and cancers too — see pages 39 — 40 of POWER UP! (But they can’t make those claims publicly because of the laws protecting the pharmaceutical company profits).

  • Auto-genic Training, Trance Meditation, The biblical concept of: “Calling Things That Are Not”, plus, learn about Dr. Dardick’s Wave Theory of Health and Illness.

  • Power Up! — (A $100 value) is FREE to you when you order today.

    Let me introduce myself:

    John Farley, MA, PsyD —
    Your Health and Weight Loss Specialist

    I’ve been featured on ABC, NBC, PBS and many radio shows.

    I’m a professional exercise physiologist, sports psychology/sport hypnotist and wellness professional.

    For years I’ve performed healing seminars and hypnosis demonstrations.

    In addition to healing and sports psychology, I specialize in weight loss.

    Remember NBC’s The Biggest Loser? That was the reality show concept I developed — and its celebrity fitness trainer, Bob Harper, is based on me.

    For decades I’ve been helping people like you shed pounds. Today, I have a process that is lightyears ahead of exercise and diet or any medical weight loss procedures.

    I grew up with asthma which required me to take medicines and adrenaline jabs. I used to crawl breathlessly up flights of stairs because I couldn’t get enough air.

    Fast forward — I cured the asthma and other health conditions.

    But then, decades later, I “discovered” I’d gained 35 pounds of fat due to stress.

    That drove me to research and develop an extra powerful hypnosis process that allowed me and my clients to change food habits easily. The fat melted off every night!

    Now, I can see my abdominal muscles and I’m in excellent shape. I want to share my secret process with you.

    No other hypno-therapist in the world has the “secret sauce” used in The Hypnotic Bypass Surgery system.


    Q: "How does ‘Hypnotic Bypass SurgeryTM’ system work?”

    A: You will bypass unnecessary hunger pangs and the urge to eat. You will resolve ALL the issues causing emotional eating.

    During the session you will:

  • Resolve the traumas that have kept you stuck.

  • Program your mind to easily lose weight every night.

  • Upgrade your self-confidence and self-concept and gain control!

  • You’ll program into the subconscious mind “the hunger switch” — then you’ll turn it off when you want to — it will be under your full control!

    You’ll resolve the loss, trauma and abuse that is secretly holding you back in life.

    Q: “What will I receive when I get the program?”

    A: You will receive immediate access to the hypnosis audio session — Hypnotic Bypass Surgery. — You will listen on your computer/phone/device. Use it once or several times per week.

    You’ll also receive Power Up! Never Sick, Never Tired — 44 pages of cutting-edge, life saving knowledge.

    Q: “Will Hypnotic Bypass Surgery also work for a man?”

    A: Hypnotic Bypass Surgery will work for men who follow the directions.

    Q: “Will the price go up if I wait?”

    A: Inflation is going up daily. That means the longer you wait to purchase this powerful program the less your money buys and the more you pay. Today is the lowest price.

    Q: “What if….”

    A: The system handles all the “what ifs.” Simply get Hypnotic Bypass Surgery. Use it as many times as you want — and notice your results over time.

    Invest wisely.

    Grab Your Hypnotic Bypass Surgery system now and receive the bonus special report —
    POWER UP! — Never Sick, Never Tired ($100 Value) — Free.



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    Copyright 2022 - The Optimal Performance Institute